Poisonous Sea Slug - science plaza


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Monday 17 April 2017

Poisonous Sea Slug

Nembrotha cristata, a colourful-but-poisonous type of sea slug, grow up to 50mm in length and can be found in tropical oceans. 
Nembrotha cristata is a species of colorful sea slug, a polycerid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family PolyceridaeThis species of sea slug is black with green markings; adults are around 50 mm in length, and they live on rock or coral reefs in the tropical Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Although they mostly eat sea squirts, they also absorb stinging cells from the jellyfish that they sometimes eat; this allows the sea slug to deliver a painful sting to would-be predators.

Original Article on Scienceplaza

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