Pepper’s ghost. - science plaza


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Sunday 16 April 2017

Pepper’s ghost.

This is a method of producing the illusion of a ghost on the theatrical stage. A large sheet of polished plate glass placed diagonally across the stage acts as a mirror, but at the same time permits objects on the stage to be seen through it. An actor attired to represent the ghost is concealed in the wings and is strongly illuminated. All else surrounding him is painted or draped dull black so that an image of the actor only is formed by the plate glass. The illusion is rendered complete by the fact that light from objects on the stage behind the image causes the ghost to appear transparent. Headless ghosts result simply from enclosing the actor’s head in a dull black cloth.

A practically identical arrangement causes a candle to appear to be burning inside a bottle full of water. How this may be done is shown in the picture below.

Original Article on Scienceplaza

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