Scorpion Fish - science plaza


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Monday, 12 June 2017

Scorpion Fish

Scorpionfish, are a family of mostly marine fish that includes many of the world's most venomous species.  Scorpionfish, also spelled scorpion fish, can also be called rockfish and stonefish, any of the numerous bottom-living marine fish of the family Scorpaenidae, especially those of the genus Scorpaena, widely distributed in temperate and tropical waters. Many scorpionfish are rather dull in colour, but others are brighter—often some shade of red. The largest members of the family grow about 1 metre (39 inches) long. Scorpionfish are carnivorous and generally sedentary. They often lie quietly on the bottom, and many blend closely with their surroundings by virtue of their colouring and (in some species) a variety of flaps and projections on the head and bodyMost scorpionfish species are less than two feet in size and have a lifespan of 15 years. A female scorpionfish may release upwards of 15,000 eggs into the water for fertilization by the males. Fertilized eggs float to the surface where egg-eating predators are less likely to get to them. After just two days the eggs will hatch and baby scorpionfish will remain near the surface until they are big enough to swim down to the reefs where the adults swim.

What makes it easy for them to catch their prey?

The prey of the scorpionfish never see what’s coming until it’s too late. Members of the scorpionfish family are experts at blending in with their surroundings, making them excellent ambush predators in their habitat. Fish of the scorpionfish family are some of the most poisonous animals in the ocean. The combination of their physical appearance and venomous spines makes the scorpionfish a force to be reckoned with in the sea. Scorpionfish only hunt at night and spend daylight hours resting in crevices. They will remain in the shadows of rocks or reefs before pouncing on unsuspecting prey swimming by. Their diet consists of small fish, crustaceans and snails that also live in coral reefs. A scorpionfish’s mouth is wide in size, which allows the fish to quickly suck and swallow prey whole in one bite. Scorpionfish can also use their venom to stun prey before eating them. Predators of scorpionfish remain few, but sharks, rays and large snappers have been known to hunt the fish.

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